Thursday, December 11, 2014

Our Traditions: 4 Simple Ways toTeach Kids to Give

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which he has given you.
Deuteronomy 16:17

My son, Ben, has always had difficulty giving.  Even when he was a baby, he struggled to share and take turns.  Pretty typical, I know, but now that he's six, he still has difficulty sharing sometimes, and asking him to give something away has been frustrating. 

Even toys he hasn't played with in years all of the sudden become the "it" toys when we suggest he give them away.  He wants to keep every toy or book he ever received.  He never wants to give anything away.  He struggles to give. 

So how do we teach our kids to give? 

Even though Ben doesn't love to give--yet, he has learned to give. 

God calls us to give as we are able, and so my husband and I have always wanted to plant the seed of giving in our children from a very early age.  So, where did we begin?  We realized that it had to start with us...with the expectations we had...with the traditions we created.  We decided to be very intentional about setting an example of giving in our house year-round, and especially during the Christmas Season. 

And our kids are catching on. 

Isn't that how it works?  Kids do what they see?

With the little seeds that we've planted, we've seen Ben grow in the area of giving.  Seedlings of compassion have begun to sprout in him.  He's wanting to help others often.  He talks about how sad he is for people without homes, and just the other day, Ben willingly gave away his first book!  I know that may not sound like a big deal, but it was. I was so proud of him. 

The "giving traditions" that we've started with our kids are small and simple, but, like a seed, we know it will continue to grow, take root in our kids' hearts, and become something that flourishes in their lives and in the lives of others. 

Giving will become something that they just naturally do because it's something they've always done.

It is my prayer that the giving that my kids will do in this world will show God's love and beauty.  The giving my kids will do in this world will become gardens of love and hope...peace and joy. 

Do you want to teach your kids to give more? 
I hope you will join me on this mission to raise kids that give!

Here are the 4 simple ways we've taught our kids to give:  

1.  Santa Gifts:    We have each of our kids pick out a toy to leave for Santa to take to a boy or girl who doesn't have any toys.  The kids help pick out the gift, wrap it, and write Santa a little note along with his milk and cookies. 


2.  Cash Stash:  Before I go anywhere this time of year, I always make sure I have plenty of one dollar bills to give to those dedicated bell ringers who brave the wind and the cold to collect money for the Salvation Army.  I have my kids put the money in the container and explain what the money is for.  Now that they are older, I'm going to have them bring a little bit of their own money to give as well.

3.  Adopt a Family:  Adopting a family is one of my favorite ways to give.  I've always taken the kids with me to shop for the families.  This year was especially fun as I allowed them to help me pick some things out for the two little boys in the family.  We had so much fun buying toys and discussing what the boys would enjoy playing with. 

4.  The Giving Box:  This is our newest tradition.  This year the kids will pick out two toys to give--one for Santa to take and one for The Giving Box which we will drop off at our local shelter for women and children.   The Giving Box has now become our newest addition to our home as well.  The Giving Box is now going to have a permanent place where we can all put things that we would like to give away to someone in need all throughout the year.  This was where Ben put his first book to give away!  I know this will be one of many things Ben will give away from now on!

Father, help me to instill a spirit of giving in my children.  Provide ideas and opportunities to give to others to set an example of Your love.  You give so much to us, Father.  Allow me and my family to give to Your precious people in need.  Open our eyes and hearts this Christmas season to see how blessed we are and how much more we can always be giving to others.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

What are ways that you teach your kids to give?

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