"This is the day that the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
Welcome to my morning!!
Crap! Really? The big kids are already up? My alarm hasn't even gone off yet!
Why are you guys up so early?
"I want to be able to run laps this morning." (My 6 year old, Ben, loves to get to school early because they have convinced him that it's fun to run laps before school in the morning--well done, school, well done!)
I didn't even get a chance to get dressed. Oh well, I can just get dressed while the kids are eating breakfast.
Oh no. What about my littlest, Nathaniel? I still have to nurse him. I can do that, too, while the big kids are eating breakfast. At least he's sleeping in though--high five to myself--like I have any control over that. Oh well, high five anyway!
Ben wants me to play chess--I have no idea what I'm doing, but I have loved learning that the queen has complete control over the board. Nice! I'm good at pretending and acting interested though (seriously, why does anyone play chess?)
My 3 year old daughter, Abby, wants me to read her a book. I can read this book to her while Ben is setting up the chess pieces. Awww. Sweet little book.
Ok chess pieces are set up.
Will Abby transition nicely from reading to helping me play chess with Ben? We'll see...
"Hey, Abby! Will you help me play chess with Ben?"
Walking on eggshells...walking on eggshells...walking on eggshells.
"Ok, Mommy."
Yes!! She bought it. And we're playing chess. Again, I have no idea what I'm doing. Just smile and encourage him.
It's time to get Abby dressed now. Will Abby transition from playing chess to going potty and getting dressed? We'll see...
"Abby, it's time to go pee pee and get dressed."
Walking on eggshells...walking on eggshells...walking on eggshells.
"Ok Mommy."
Yes! She bought it again! And we're going pee pee, washing hands and getting Abby dressed.
Oh good, Ben is already dressed. Oh now, Nathaniel's up. "Morning, Nathaniel."
Ok let's all go downstairs and get you big kids breakfast. What time is it? Ok, too late for anything hot. Cereal it is! Pour cereal. Pour milk. Bib on. Ok both the big kids are eating.
Now, Nathaniel. Let's go nurse, buddy. Nurse...nurse...nurse. Snuggling. Sweet. Laughing at the big kids being silly at the breakfast table.
Done nursing. Oh, no? Not done? Ok. Nurse...nurse...nurse. Snuggling. Big kids still silly.
Ok, now I have to get dressed. Time's a tickin'.
Get dressed. Mommy clothes today. Nowhere to go. No one to see. Who am I kidding--Like that would make a difference. Laugh at myself.
Ok I'm dressed. Big kids should be done. Time's a tickin'.
"Ben, if you want to run laps, we need to get moving so you can be early."
Ben takes his plate to the sink, brushes his teeth, gets his shoes on, coat on, and grabs his backpack--I'm loving the independence of 6 year olds!
Will Abby transition from breakfast to getting in the stroller? We'll see...
"Abby, it's time to get your shoes and coat on. Would you like to snuggle with your pink blankie too?"
Walking on eggshells...walking on eggshells...walking on eggshells.
"Ok, Mommy. Yes, Mommy."
Yes! She bought it! I'm 3 for 3 today! This never happens. Don't spend too much time thinking about it, just go with it!
Ok if we leave now, you'll be early enough to run lots of laps, buddy. Let's get moving.
What's that smell? Ahh man...Nathaniel has a huge poop! Oh this isn't too bad.
"Mommy, Abby has a boogie."
That's not a boogie, that's a snot rocket! Abandon diaper changing. Kleenex fast...Kleenex fast! Whew! Got it!
Where's Nathaniel? Come here little naked butt. Ok diaper on. Clothes on.
Ok, if we leave right now, you might be early enough to run at least a few laps. Let's go! Let's go!
Everyone is dressed and ready to go! Yay! We're actually going to be early today.
Ok, Abby, coat on. Shoes on. I'm running upstairs to grab pink blankie for her.
Oh man. It's raining. Why do we not own any umbrellas? Ok--hoods up everyone! Let's go. Let's go!
The littles are in the stroller. Ben is already walking. We're going to make it!
I think you might still be able to run one lap, buddy. But let's walk fast.
"Mommy, I have to go pee pee." SIGH! Not quietly either. Very loudly!
So close...so close!
Debate...do I risk the huge gigantic fit Abby might throw if I ask her to wait the 3 minute walk and back so we can get Ben to school early? After all, why should this bother her, she holds it in for hours every day until she does the pee pee dance and even still claims she doesn't have to go.
It doesn't hurt to ask. We'll see...
"Abby, let's hurry up and run Ben over to school and then you can go pee pee when we get back."
Walking on eggshells...walking on eggshells...walking on eggshells.
"Ok, mommy."
No way! It worked again. 4 in a row! Rare moment in history everyone...rare moment in history!!!
How come no one is around to witness this?? And yet everyone in the neighborhood sees her when she's melting down?
Oh well, stop talking to yourself and get going before she changes her mind.
I did it!!! I can't believe it! Ben is at school early so he can run laps. Everyone was up, dressed, fed, happy, played with, read to, diapers changed, noses blown, and other than Abby having to wait just a few minutes to go pee pee, this morning went off without a hitch. The best morning we've had yet! And it's not even 8am! What a morning!
I am Supermom this morning! Seriously, how did I pull this off?
Gurgle...gurgle. Why is my stomach growling? Oh, I forgot to eat breakfast!
This was seriously my morning! I love it when everything falls into place, but this was a rare morning for me, and that's why I had to document it immediately! I couldn't believe with all the obstacles in my way, I was still able to pull it off. But as you saw at the end, I was so busy caring for everyone else's needs that I didn't even think of my own. Isn't that what happens sometimes as moms? We put ourselves last day in and day out? I want to pray today that despite the chaos that motherhood sometimes brings, that you find time for yourself...to be quiet...to read...to shut your eyes...to be by yourself even for a minute. I also pray that you will rejoice and be glad in this day simply because the Lord made it. I pray that you find joy with your kids and be grateful for those supermom moments, those not-so-supermom moments, and everything in between!
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