Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fun 14 Item End-of-the-Year "Employee" Evaluation for Your Kids

End of the Year Evaluation for Your Kids!

My husband and I always set goals with our kids.  As we were discussing their goals as a family during lunch today, my husband and I started joking around about how funny it would be to evaluate our kids.  So, we created an "employee" evaluation for them.  It was all fun and games until we realized just how much more "job training" was needed in the Leeb household for 2015!  :-)  
Enjoy!  And please let me know what you would add to this list in the comment section! 

1=Unsatisfactory        2=Needs Improvement           3=Meets                      4=Exceeds


1.  ______________ Morning wake up time

 2.  ______________Overall ability to eat provided breakfast

                                    A. ___________Neatness

                                    B. ___________Complaining

                                    C. ___________Table manners

                                    D. ___________Completion of the meal

                                    E. ___________Number of requests during the meal

                                    F. ___________Ability to accept variety

                                    G. ___________Pace of consumption


3.  ______________Overall bathroom habits

A.  Making bathroom notifications with sufficient notice before it’s too   late!

                                    B.  Aim and accuracy

                                    C.  Honesty and ability to admit that the “Pee pee dance” is actually a “Pee Pee

                                    D.  Clean wiping and toilet paper usage

                                    E.  Hand-washing

                                    F.  Flushing

                                    G.  Flushing BEFORE hand-washing


4.  ______________ Getting dressed

                                    A.  Fashion sense

                                    B.  Speed

                                    C.  Accuracy—especially with getting shoes on the right feet


5.  ______________ Playtime

                                    A.  Sharing

                                    B.  Taking turns

                                    C.  Kindness to siblings/friends

                                    D.  Independence

                                    E.  Inventory Control (not losing their toys)

                                    F.  Proper clean-up methods (not putting dolls in the dryer)


6.  ______________Overall ability to eat provided lunch  (every meal in our house different!)

                                    A. ___________Neatness

                                    B. ___________Complaining

                                    C. ___________Table manners

                                    D. ___________Completion of the meal

                                    E. ___________Number of requests during the meal

                                    F. ___________Ability to accept variety

                                    G. ___________Pace of consumption


7. ______________ Getting Out of the House

                                    A.  Length of time to gather and put on all necessary items

                                    B.  Number of times you need to be told to gather and put on all necessary

                                    C.  Going to the bathroom before putting on all necessary items which need to
                                          be removed before going to the bathroom and then put back on!


8. ______________Overall ability to eat provided dinner  (every meal in our house different-especially dinner!)

                                    A. ___________Neatness

                                    B. ___________Complaining

                                    C. ___________Table manners

                                    D. ___________Completion of the meal

                                    E. ___________Number of requests during the meal

                                    F. ___________Ability to accept variety

                                    G. ___________Pace of consumption


9.______________Bathtime/Bedtime Routine

                                    A.  Splash control

                                    B.  Thorough cleaning

                                    C.  Getting out of the bath the first time asked

                                    D.  Teeth-brushing

                                    E.  Length of time to get pajamas on

                                    F.  Number of story time interruptions

                                    G.  Getting tucked in

                                    H.  Not getting back up out of bed for any reason (other than another hug!)  ie-
                                         another drink of water, sudden need to pee pee, an invisible owie that needs
                                         a band-aid, etc.

                                    I.  Staying in bed all night--in your OWN bed!


10. _____________ Behavior and Self-Control

                                    A.  In restaurants

                                    B.  In grocery stores

                                    C.  In church

                                    D.  In car

E.  When told “No”

F.  When asked to do something

G.  Length of pout

H.  Sassiness

11. ______________ Overall cuteness
12. ______________Overall snuggly-ness

 13. ______________Overall creativity

 14. ______________Overall attitude


What areas need to be improved the most for next year?

 What can our family do to encourage one another in 2015?

What would you add to this list?

For a PDF copy, visit the 4Real Moms website ( or click on this link: Fun 14 Item End-of-the-Year "Employee" Evaluation for Your Kids


  1. What a great idea!!! I'd like to read after the blanks are filled in!!!

    1. Thanks, Susan. Yes, that would be fun to post it after we've evaluated our kids. Lol! ;-)


  2. This is hilarious! But I'd love to see an "Employer Evaluation" as well!

    1. So true. My husband and I should work on one! Let's see, what could some of them be...

      "Ability to be touched on a constant basis and love it."
      "Going to the bathroom while nursing and helping someone get in their spiderman costume with a smile on your face."

      Oh now my mind is racing with ideas. Thanks! ;-)

  3. Cute! Probably their overall cuteness and snuggly-ness make up for any negative marks in the other categories. LOL

    1. Yes, I agree! Their smiles and hugs melt my heart!
