Laundry, dishes, and vacuuming floors.
Wait, the kids want me to make some S'Mores.
Organizing closets, toy bins, and clothes,
Wait, the kids want to spray me with the hose.
Dusting, sorting, and picking up toys,
Wait, the kids want me to dance and make noise.
Tidying drawers, and hanging coats up on hooks,
Wait, the kids want me to read them some books.
Cleaning the sink, shining the mirror in the hall,
Wait, the kids want me to play kick ball.
Taking out the trash, drying towels on the rack,
Wait, the kids want me to make them a snack.
Refreshing the batteries in all of the clocks,
Wait, the kids want me to play in the sand box.
Cleaning the toilet which about makes me gag,
Wait, the kids want me to play some freeze tag.
Sweeping up crumbs, and shaking out rugs,
Wait, the kids want me to give them some hugs.
Scrubbing grime off the stove and in the sink too,
Wait, the kids want me to kiss their boo boo.
Pitching things from the fridge, and wiping the counters off,
Wait, the kids need a Kleenex for their cough.
Straightening up cabinets, and putting shoes in rows,
Wait, the kids want me to play Legos.
Dear mom, your work is never done,
So stop what you're doing and have some fun.
Your kids are growing older every day,
So stop what you're doing and just go play!
Spend your time now being silly
And caring for their needs,
Your kids won't always be in your home,
But there's always dirt to be cleaned.
So put down your broom.
Ignore the mess.
The dirt can wait.
Go play and feel blessed.
Trust me, the dirt will be still be there tomorrow.

Lord, help us to find balance in keeping a clean home and spending time with our kids. Tug our hearts when we need to refocus and nudge us when we need to just go play! Amen.
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